nutritional therapy
Nutrient dense eating, functional lab testing, and lifestyle adjustments for creative individuals
Find out what foods are right for you to help you feel unfettered
Uncover the root causes of your digestive issues using functional lab testing
Learn a model of self care reflective of your individuality
What is Nutritional Therapy?
BB is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner from the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA). The NTA believes in the bio individuality of each person and a thoughtful approach to nutrition based on the foundational elements: digestion, blood sugar, minerals, hydration, fatty acids supported by properly prepared, nutrient dense whole foods. Based on the foundations, nutritional and lifestyle adjustments are made to help the body perform its best so you can concentrate on the things your care about most.
BB is also certified to work with many functional lab tests. We get to skip the guessing and take an unbiased look at what’s going on in your system. The test results help us discern the next steps and form an appropriate targeted protocol.
What should I expect?
You’ll be asked to fill out a food and mood journal and some online questionnaires— it’s a lot of questions, but just answer as honestly and thoroughly as you can. Then we’ll schedule our first session where we take a deep dive into your desires and your nutrition and health history. From there, I’ll send you off with a little homework. On our second meeting you’ll get lots of details to strategically attack your goals. Moving forward, we’ll meet about twice per month to check in on progress and make tweaks to further enhance your progress.
Do you give meal plans?
No. But don’t fret, I’ll give you something way better— the knowledge of how to choose the right foods for your body and your goals. The problem with meal plans is that there is not account for bio individuality. Additionally, they are unsustainable as you only learn to follow directions instead of how to design your own map.
Will I lose weight?
If that is your goal, then yes. But first, we work to get your digestive system functioning on high and blood sugar stable. From here, we can make the changes you seek.
Do you work with vegans?
I work with all who are open to eating some animal product.